Visual Research on Gentrification in CdMX
I have started a series on gentrification in Mexico city, It's like a visual research on its impact, root causes and its context; a journey that I am not sure where its going to take me but is starting by paying homage to buildings that are frontiers in this fight for justice. To me the main players of gentrification are the global real estate industry and law deregulations. Having said that, we as citizens still play a big role too. Especially we as immigrants ( if you call yourself "expat" please unfollow me) need to learn about gentrification and make this fight a priority in our daily life. This visual research is my way of learning as a painter ...
I started Working on Gentrification in CdMx after moving to this city. What else I could work on? Every other topic felt like shying away from addressing big elephant in the room.
To give context, I am originally from Iran, lived in U.S. for 15 years but I always hated what it stands for. I also cant go back home ( Iran).
With these projects I am learning how to be a responsible guest in this beautiful city. And my hope is to not be a problem but be part of the solution for this place that feels very much like home.
At the moment Some of these building documentations are collaboration with 06600 group as part of Gentrifighters project, Postcards to fight against oblivion...and some are outcome of independent projects I do with tenants of the buildings or just solo drawings.
Cuando Fernando Ramírez 148 no se hizo blanco. | When Fernando Ramírez 148 was not made white.
March 2023, was the first time I heard from a friend that Fernandez Ramirez 148 was evicted. When I went there in April, the new real estate agency was painting the facade white. I asked around from local shops and neighbors to see if someone knows the story of the people who lived there...The voice in the audio is for La señora Maria who lived there for 32 years
Marzo de 2023, fue la primera vez que escuché de un amigo que Fernandez Ramirez 148 fue desalojada. Cuando fui allí en abril, la nueva inmobiliaria estaba pintando la fachada de blanco. Pregunte entre comercios locales y vecinos para ver si alguien conoce la historia de las personas que vivieron allí... La voz en el audio es de La señora María que vivió allí durante 32 años.